Monday, July 5, 2010

Taming the Wild!

A little over a week ago, my husband and I discovered a kitten in the woods near his parents home. We estimated she was no more than eight weeks old, and had probably just been separated from her mother. Although she cried pitifully, and did approach us, this little cat was definitely feral and refused to be caught. We fed her, and tried all sorts of tricks to capture the poor little thing. About six hours of trying yielded a result - she darted under our car and climbed into the engine. We opened the hood and managed to catch her. By then my finger was bleeding and my husband's hands were covered in gashes. We zipped her up in a cat carrying case and headed home with a wild animal to try and domesticate! In my next post I'll let you know how we're doing with taming the wild cat!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

America's Scariest Drives

America's Scariest Drives
Yes - try Texas State highway 170 - what a joke !!!!!! Compared to California or Colorado, it is a walk in the park.!! Texas 170 is a joke forget weather - try do drive up Independence pass Colorado in winter, usually, it's closed! I have not been to Hawaii or Alaska but all other roads mentioned I can speak for. Utah road (US 50) is only scary because it is remote, but you can go on auto pilot for about 8 hours. Remember to pay attention to the countless signs that say, "Prison zone, Do not pick up hitchhikers." -- I must add, The Night Sky along US 50 is about the best in the USA. (Milky Way, all the way, for you astronomy buffs.) Who the heck paid for this add? Sorry economy is bad. Guess you get what you pay for. Try driving to work in the city areas of New York, LA ( not Lower Alabama), Atlanta, Denver, Houston, Miami, and Chicago. That is a "scariest" drive.

Monday, March 9, 2009

US protests 'harassment' by Chinese vessels - Yahoo! News

US protests 'harassment' by Chinese vessels - Yahoo! News Yes beware! History repeats itself!!! I recall the new (now expired) '2001' Bush presidency, 8 years ago (August 2001 to be exact) - just b4 9-11, had a (US) a spy plane confiscated by China after it was (1) shot down (2) crashed in Chinesse territory. Take your pick, were you there? It looked like the only Superpower (us = U.S.) was on some collision course with the up and coming superpower China. Due to 9-11 that situation was diffused. Our two Governments seriously differ, but both are trying to represent their people (Human Rights - humm? - that's on China's government). This story is inflamatory to most U.S. citizens, provoking fear about Communist China. Isn't that also the way we got into Iraq (the 2nd time). Times are tough now economically for most of the world (including China), lets hope that this story is not fear mongering. Historically war makes economic sense (which is fundamentally wrong) but let us (U.S.) not get senseless. China needs Wal-Mart as much as we need them.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Time - is it on our side?

Is time moving faster lately? It seems like days, weeks, months and even years just whizz on by, and we're all left wondering what happened? Where did it go? What did I do back in March? It has nothing to do with getting older either. I heard a young girl say just the same thing the other day. In this bustling, frantic society we've created, there's not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we set out to do, despite all our time saving, modern appliances. Even us underemployed freelance writers are caught up in the whirl. I find myself making mental to-do lists while meditating, impatient to uncurl myself out of the 'almost' lotus position (I can never get both feet up in the right places no matter how hard I try!) and go get some things done. Have we all worked oursleves into a frenzy and caused the world to follow suit and spin a little quicker? Maybe we have too many distractions, too many gadegts to play with, too many programs to watch, websites to surf. If we all slowed down, took a few breaths and relaxed things may start to look and seem a little different. Until then can someone please just put time on hold for a few minutes so I can catch up?